quinta-feira, 20 de maio de 2010


THE PROPOSAL movie very interesting and FUN

knows that very funny romantic comedy and more not only that here is no more information for you can watch this movie soon ..

Sandra Bullock finally turn the big screen, yes .. Miss Congeniality who was out of theaters since 2007, his last film was Final Destination, but also when the maidens back, is back. The proposal is already leading the box office, and it has not happened since 1999 when Sandra Bullock starred in Forces of Destiny.

The proposal is the kind of slapstick comedy that has as its purpose to make the audience laugh, and laugh a lot .. obviously you can, but the only weak point of these romantic comedies, so in all, is that the end or the sequence of scenes is so obvious and cliche that when the movie starts you already know how it will end, but surely this does nothing to quality of work of the director and screenwriter, film is entertainment after all, the idea is fun and for those who watch it, nothing tastes better than to show life as we wanted it to be.

About the story, Sandra Bullock is Margaret Tare, head of an evil of a book editor who feels better than good, hated by his team, is quite systematic, like your routine life and if something breaks out of her routine already pira , screams and fire the people involved (I confess that this time I remembered much of The Devil Wears Prada).

But as life is a box of surprises, she has a serious problem with the authorities and is forced to return to your country of origin, ie it is being deported from the USA, and it is exactly this point that the movie takes a turn for the hilarious in front of your boss states that she will marry his assistant Andrew, played by Ryan Reynolds ("X-Men-Origins: Wolverine"), and thus may be in the U.S. and his work.

From then on, the talent of Sandra and Ryan is really shown, always with "faces and mouths and hilarious dialogues, they bring the proposal to a higher level of comedy. Now the rest of the film is up to you .. or damn cliche.

The proposal is guaranteed fun, it's no blockbuster, but certainly many of you will start laughing. It's a nice romantic comedy to watch, without appealing, it is a comedy in the right dose.

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